3Year 3 Worksheets
- Counting
- Number Patterns
- Mixed Equations
Number Properties
3.4Value of Underlined Digit Up to 99
3.5Value of Underlined Digit Up to 1000
3.6Convert Numbers to Tens and Ones Up to 1000
3.62Related Addition Equations Up to 10
3.63Related Addition Equations Up to 1000
3.64Related Subtraction Equations Up to 10
3.65Related Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 1000
3.66Related Equations with Sums Up to 1000
3.67Related Equations Up to 10
3.68Convert from Expanded Form
3.88Choose the Equivalent Fraction
3.6Convert Numbers to Tens and Ones Up to 1000
3.20Add Three Digit Numbers Ending in Zero Up to 1000
3.21Add Multiples of 100
3.22Add Tens
3.23Add a One Digit Number to a Two Digit Number
3.24Add Two Digit Numbers
3.25Add Two Numbers Up to 100
3.26Add Numbers - Sums Up to 1000
3.27Adding Three or More Numbers
3.28Adding Three or More Numbers with One or Two Digits
3.41Complete the Equation with Sums Up to 100
3.42Balance Addition Equations with Sums Up to 100
3.43Balance Addition Equations with Operands Up to 100
3.48Complete the Equation with Sums Up to 1000
3.49Complete the Equation with Numbers Up to 1000
3.50Balance Addition Equations with Sums Up to 1000
3.51Balance Addition Equations with Operands Up to 1000
3.58Addition with Sum Up to 100
3.59Addition Sentences Up to 1000
3.62Related Addition Equations Up to 10
3.63Related Addition Equations Up to 1000
- Estimation
3.29Subtract Tens
3.30Subtract Two Numbers - 1 or 2 Digits Up to 20
3.31Subtract One-Digit Numbers from Two-Digit Numbers
3.32Subtract Two Numbers - Single and Double Digits
3.33Subtract Two Numbers - Double Digits Up to 100
3.36Subtract Two Numbers - Multiples of 10
3.37Subtract Two Numbers - Multiples of 100
3.38Subtract Two Numbers - Operands Up to 1000
3.44Complete the Subtraction Sentence with Sums Up to 100
3.45Balance Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 100
3.46Balance Subtraction Equations with Operands Up to 100
3.47Balance Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 18
3.52Complete the Subtraction Sentence
3.53Complete the Subtraction Sentence with Operands Up to 1000
3.54Balance Subtraction Equations with Operands Up to 1000
3.60Subtraction with Operands Up to 1000
3.64Related Subtraction Equations Up to 10
3.65Related Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 1000
3.69Multiplication with a Specific Number Up to 12
3.70Multiplication with Pictures
3.71Multiply Two Numbers
3.72Multiplication Tables
3.74Multiplication by 10
3.78Find Missing Factors
3.80Missing Factors
- Division
3.83Identify Fractions Up to Tenths
3.86What Mixed Fraction Is Shown?
3.87Compare Fractions
3.88Choose the Equivalent Fraction
3.89Make Equivalent Fractions
3.90Add Two Fractions
3.91Subtract Three Fractions
3.92Subtract Two Fractions
- Measurement
- Geometry
3.102Least Number of Coins
3.103Making Change Up to $5
3.104Making Change Up to $20
3.105Reading Clocks
3.106Match Analog and Digital Clocks
3.107Reading Clocks
3.108Match Clocks and Time
- Graphing
Students entering the 7th grade continue to expand on concepts from their previous years. On-demand videos with teachers who explain the concepts and show students how to understand the problem-solving process. Teachers go over rules, tips, and multiple problems helping students to be able to solve the problems themselves.
- Students learn about ratios, mixed properties, statistics and other seventh grade skills.
- Teachers incorporate the use of the scratchpad to give students a visual representation.
- Videos provide instant help for students who are struggling with their assignments.